

Speech Language Pathologists enjoy using mobile apps for speech therapy homework

The benefits of mobile app use in speech therapy

Speech therapists in particular can greatly benefit from using certain apps in their daily work.

It’s become a cliché that there’s an app for everything, but when you look at your favorite app store, you can see it’s actually quite true. Any hobby, skill or professional interest has a plethora of related mobile apps available. Speech Language Pathologists in particular have benefited  greatly from using apps with their clients.

Speech therapy apps for kids

Therapy happens as much at home as it does at the care facility. Being able to send younger patients home with activities they can do with their parents can have numerous benefits. This is especially true for patients who are shy or need to do some extra practicing at home.

  • BlueWhale: This app produced by the National Association for Child Development is aimed at those with Childhood Apraxia of Speech or dyspraxia. Available on iTunes, Android and Kindle, BlueWhale is an app meant to help with the pronunciation of two-syllable words. Users start with single words and easy sentence construction and can work their way up to more complicated sounds. There are lots of fun illustrations for kids, and the system is quite robust.
  • Peek-a-Boo Barn: This app is aimed at children ages 0 to 3. It features lots of colorful imagery and cute animal noises to keep small children engaged. This is a great recommendation for parents, because they can record their own voices into the app. Best of all, it features 12 different language options, which is great for bilingual families.

Speech therapy apps for all ages

Almost everyone uses at least one or two favorite apps on a daily basis. That’s what makes them such a powerful tool for those in speech therapy. Your patients can switch quickly and easily to the app you recommended almost anytime and nearly anywhere.

  • Speech Tutor: For those with speech delays or trouble with articulation, this app is a great practice aid. It provides animated visuals of mouth movements as it teaches the user how to form sounds. Users can slow down the audio and visuals and speed it back up as they improve. The app even features tips given by professional speech pathologists.
  • Articulation Station: This is app is bright and colorful, but it’s designed for all ages. Here, users will find flashcards, video tutorials, custom word lists, a recording feature and data tracking. As a travel therapist, you can even use the app on the job, as it features group session activities with up to six participants.

Mobile apps are great for encouraging your patients to keep working on their skills at home. In-app awards and prizes can provide much-needed motivation for younger children and they make the process a lot more fun!

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