

The Insider's Guide to Transportation Options for Travel Healthcare Professionals

Moving from one travel healthcare assignment to another requires reliable transportation so you can safely reach your new city ready to explore. Whether you're moving to the next town over or across the country, there are numerous viable options for your travels. You'll need to carefully consider all your transportation options and decide how you'll commute during your assignment.

Consider All of Your Transportation Options

Getting to your assignment on time is crucial in preventing any gaps in patient care, so you'll need to choose the best option for getting to your new home efficiently. Taking mass transportation like flying, taking a bus or train are cost-effective and eco-friendly options. However, they may not suit your specific schedule, and it may be difficult to move your luggage this way. Although taking the bus or train may take longer than a flight, you'll have a lot more room and can see some epic views. Amtrak offers numerous affordable scenic cross-country trains that require more time, but offer stunning views. Another option is renting a car, which offer you the flexibility and freedom to travel at your own pace. This option can get costly for extended periods of time, to research the best pricing options and book in advance for discounts. Be sure to ask your travel agency if they have any discount codes you can use on a rental car! Read the rental agreement thoroughly, inspect the car before driving off, and familiarize yourself with local traffic rules for a safe and hassle-free experience. Finally,  you can use your own car to get to your new assignment. This provides freedom and comfort of being in a familiar car. You have to consider factors like mileage on your car, maintenance costs, and the parking available in your new location. 


Decide How You Will Commute During Your Assignment

Considering how you will get around during your travel healthcare assignment is an important aspect to deciding how you will get to your new city. If you live in a close proximity to your facility, walking or biking are the most affordable option that provides you with the most benefits. Many cities offer bike-sharing programs that allow you to rent bicycles and explore at your pace, so don't worry about bringing a bike along with you or buying a new one! Biking or walking gives you the most unique look into your new city as well. Public transportation is a convenient and cost-effective way to get around and explore new cities. From buses to subways, it offers a unique perspective of the city. It's important to familiarize yourself with local routes and schedules, and have a backup plan for delays. Purchasing weekly or monthly passes can save you money, and discounts may be available. Renting a car is another option, however this can get costly quickly. Consider renting a car for a few hours or a weekend when you need it! Companies like Zipcar and Turo offer cars for hourly or daily rental at discounted rates. 

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