

Why Travel Healthcare is a Perfect Career For Your Mid-20s

Travel therapy, allied, or education is the perfect career move for professionals who feel stagnant in their current workflows and are ready to mix things up. It's a career path that's achievable for virtually anyone, regardless of age or even experienceThat being said, there's something special about choosing this career at a young age, as it comes with many opportunities for personal and professional growth. If you're in your mid-20s and need a change up from your day-to-day routine, here are a few reasons to consider take travel therapy or allied contract: 

Experience Monumental Adventures

Beyond the change of pace from a work perspective, you get the chance to explore the country and have limitless adventures as a traveler. The younger you start traveling, the more opportunities you have to work in interesting and desirable destinations and experience everything the country has to offer. You get the opportunity to explore the world and experience new cultures through time off between contracts. Check every item off your bucket list through travel therapy, allied, or education before you even turn 30! 

Grow as a Professional

When you get to work with so many different healthcare professionals across various facilities in the country, the exposure to unique situations is certain. The cases you see in a small rural clinic are going to be different from what you see in a large city hospital. This poses an opportunity to grow as a professional, testing your skills and allowing you to gain more experience throughout your career. You also get the chance to expand your professional network in a way that you wouldn’t be able to in a staff position.  

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Flexibility Like No Other

Travel healthcare doesn't come with your traditional workflow. You might work the same 12-hour shifts throughout your assignments that you would as a staff member, but most contracts last only about 13 weeks. Once your time at an assignment is complete, you have the option to take some time off or head to your next assignment. This flexibility allows you to evaluate your current standing in the travel healthcare world, go on vacation, or head home to visit family and refresh. 

Don't Sacrifice Time Away From Your Kids

For many travelers, having a family is often one of the reasons for overlooking travel healthcare as a valuable opportunity. With the median age for new moms rising to 30 years old, now's the perfect opportunity to take advantage of your free time and explore on your own. Spend your mid-20s exploring the country and finding the ideal place to start your family. You can still pursue a travel therapy career and have a family, of course; it may just be easier to manage traveling when you're single.  

Remember: Travel healthcare is for anyone, regardless of age or whether you have started a family. Whether you just wrapped up all of your schooling and qualifications or you've been practicing at the same facility for the last 30 years, you can pack your bags and start a traveling career today. Never let age keep you from pursuing your dreams; you can achieve more professional milestones by stepping outside of your comfort zone and using your skills and abilities to help others across the country. 

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