

Physical Agent Modalities in Occupational Therapy

Physical Agent Modalities in Occupational Therapy – Dennis M., Occupational

Physical Agent Modalities in Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Physical Agent Modalities in Occupational Therapy – Dennis M., Occupational

Investing in Therapy’s Future

Investing in Therapy’s Future – Jason M., OT

As therapists we all attended the hallowed halls of colleges and universities to

Investing in Therapy’s Future

Occupational Therapy

Investing in Therapy’s Future – Jason M., OT As therapists we all attended the hallowed halls of colleges and universities to


“What’s That…? I Didn’t Hear You?” -melissa n., M.A., CCC-SLP

Please don’t tell my boyfriend about this article. He works in


Occupational Therapy

“What’s That…? I Didn’t Hear You?” -melissa n., M.A., CCC-SLP Please don’t tell my boyfriend about this article. He works in

Contracture Management

Short Term Therapy Needs for Long Term Residents: Contracture Management – Jason M., Occupational Therapist

Working in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Contracture Management

Occupational Therapy

Short Term Therapy Needs for Long Term Residents: Contracture Management – Jason M., Occupational Therapist Working in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Upper Extremity Exercise Program

Without a Paddle: Upper Extremity Exercise Program – Jason M., OT

In occupational therapy, upper extremity exercises are pretty standard. Whether

Upper Extremity Exercise Program

Occupational Therapy

Without a Paddle: Upper Extremity Exercise Program – Jason M., OT In occupational therapy, upper extremity exercises are pretty standard. Whether