

Should You Drive or Fly To Your Next Assignment?

Committing to a travel healthcare assignment that's on the other side of the country or even just a few states away can be equally thrilling and stressful. After getting over the initial excitement of the opportunity, you have to decide the best way for you to get there! For some, flying is the obvious choice, as it's less time-consuming. Taking a road trip, however, is an option that comes with its own benefits as well. Not sure of the best option for you? Here’s a pros and cons list for both flying and driving to your next travel healthcare assignment:  

Driving To Your Assignment

Pros to Driving

  • Less expensive. In terms of how much you need to spend for driving compared to flying, the road trip is often cheaper. Your biggest expense will be fuel, but filling a tank of gas for a cross-country road trip is often less pricey than a one-way plane ticket. Especially with the recent rise in popularity of electric or fuel efficient cars, the overall cost can be lowered even more. 
  • Bring your valuables. Flying often means leaving your belongings behind and starting completely fresh. Driving to your next assignment gives you the opportunity to rent a moving truck, or at the very least pack up your trunk with your valuables that wouldn't have made it in a checked bag. 
  • Enjoy the adventure. Road trips are all about the adventure. If you choose to drive, you can take the scenic route and plan multiple stops along the trip. You can build your own adventure along the road trip, when you can't change a flight as easily. 

Cons to Driving

  • Longer trip. Flying across the country will only take a few hours. Driving the same distance will likely take at least a full day. Likewise, making pit stops to rest will also take up some time. If you feel like spending this much time in the car isn't efficient, you may want to reconsider this option. 
  • The exhausting option. Because you'll spend so much of the day in the car, it could get very exhausting. This is especially true if you want to avoid stopping often and want to drive for extended periods of time. Make sure you're still planning to stop and take breaks during your drive, especially if you don't have a passenger accompanying you to split the drive. 

Flying To Your Next Job

Pros to Flying

  • A faster commute. Generally, choosing a flight over driving means saving some time. If you want or need to arrive to your destination in a timely manner, flying can get you from point A to point B much quicker than a car, bus or train, especially if it's a cross-country trip. 
  • Arriving well-rested. Flying takes virtually zero effort on your part as a traveler. You just get to sit back, relax and even enjoy a couple of snacks and refreshments along the way. Driving to your destination means staying focused, alert and awake from the moment you start your journey until you arrive. 
  • An opportunity for a fresh start. Because you're flying, you'll be less inclined to pack up all of your things and bring the clutter you've been holding on to for years. Commuting in the air means packing less so you can have a fresh start in your assignment destination. It also forces you to think about what you really need versus what you hold on to for memories. 

Cons to Flying

  • Price. According to AAA, the current national average gas price is about $3.60 per gallon. In the long term, the amount you put in to get to your destination will cost much less than flying, as the average one-way cross-country flight is usually around $300 or more, as reported by 
  • Leaving belongings behind. If you're not emotionally attached to your belongings, this isn't a con. But if you are, flying might not be the best option for you. Unless you plan on shipping all of your items in a transferable pod - which can be a pricey venture - you can only pack a few bags worth of clothes and other personal items for your trip. 
  • Missing out on a beautiful road trip. If one of the reasons you got into travel nursing was for the adventure, flying means missing out on the chance to enjoy gorgeous sights and fun pit stops on a road trip. 

It's no surprise that you love the opportunity for an adventure - that's likely one of the reasons you chose this career path in the first place. At the end of the day, the route you choose should be based on personal preference and the amount of effort you're willing to put into your commute. Dive deep into this pros and cons list to assess your best option. 

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