

Garden on the go as a traveling therapist

Make the most of a portable garden with these tips.

The nicer spring and summer weather means you can relish spending time outside. You may even be motivated to – gasp! – finally pick up that gardening habit you’ve been meaning to get to ever since the latest episode of House Hunters. You would be doing your brain and body a service. According to Michigan State University, gardening can help clear your mind. Just like meditating, this can help you reduce stress by zoning out. It can also help you tone those triceps! And you even get food after all that effort. What could make you feel more accomplished?

But how are you supposed to keep a garden when you’re constantly on the road? We’ve got you covered. Here are the top ways you can maintain a garden while working as a traveling therapist:

Make it portable

Popular Science has you covered here. With just a few items, you can make a portable garden. Setting it up takes a few hours, so it’s a great DIY project once you’ve settled into your new locale. This setup is ideal if you’re craving fresh tomatoes for your salads. You can make one – or you can create several to include on your porch and feature different fruits and veggies. Just make sure you’re vigilant about watering your plants! You’ll have plump, juicy tomatoes within two months.

Join a community garden

Don’t have room in your car for several containers? Seek out community gardens in your new city. You can still get your hands dirty on the weekends – and you can get to know the people in your community. Many cities have websites dedicated to local gardens and they’re constantly looking for volunteers. Even better? You’ll get fresh produce to take home.

You can bring your garden with you on the road by making it portable.

Cut it short

Trying to cultivate your green thumb? You can start small with a cut flower garden. These beauties live in vases. Instead of walking to a florist, go chat with a member of nature center to find the best flowers that can survive longest. Hays Free Press suggested daisies of all colors for an exciting pop of pink or purple that can make you smile when you walk in the door. Daffodils are also gorgeous and sturdy with a lovely scent. Including some nature in your apartment or house can help you relax after a long day.

Keep it small

Herb gardens are oft-overlooked – but they can add pizzazz to any dish in a snap. Grow potted basil on your windowsill so you can pluck a few leaves as you make dinner. Add oregano, thyme and mint as well. Herb gardens offer the benefit of easy transport between each location.

There are so many ways you can add a bit of green to your home and get fresh food in the process. Make the most of the summer with your on-the-road gardening – and enjoy!