

4 Reasons to Become a Traveling School Psychologist

Across the country, schools are experiencing an increased demand for school psychologists to support kids that aren’t getting the help they need.  Working as a travel school psychologist gives you the opportunity to make an impact on these expanding districts or rural schools with limited resources. Taking a “travel” contract doesn’t mean you’re only around for a portion of the school year or must relocate every 13 weeks, contracts can range anywhere from part-time, to 39 weeks, to a full year with summer school included! Working as a travel school psychologist will help you advance your career, challenge you, and give you freedom and flexibility in a way that permanent positions can’t. Empower yourself and your career by helping kids have a better shot at life-long positive mental health. Here are four reasons why you should consider taking a travel contract: 

1. Make a Greater Impact While Earning the Benefits of a Permanent Job

Traveling, career advancement, telework opportunities, are just some of the freedoms that come with being a contractor. Working as a travelling school psychologist, you can enjoy all these freedoms while also reaping the benefits of a permanent position. From health insurance to 401(K) plans, travelers are offered full benefits on day one of your contract. Not only that, but you can also enjoy a stronger sense of job security. With a recruiter and team of account managers behind you, if a contract were to end suddenly, they are ready to help immediately. You also have the freedom to move to virtually any state, no matter what district you’re in there will always be kids for you to make an impact on.   

2. Change the Live of Kids From Coast to Coast

Working as a school psychologist means you get to enjoy the school schedule, which means summers off to travel and refresh before the next school year. But that also means once your contract ends in May or June, you have two months to establish yourself in your new city! School psychologists also have the unique opportunity to work with patients virtually. As we see demand for teletherapy options continue to grow the demand for teletherapy contracts grows along with it! You can make a lasting impact on children across the country, from the comfort of your own home or while exploring your new city. Working as a travelling school psychologist may be just what you need to feed your adventurous soul and your urge to help kids in need!  

3. Kick off Your Psychology Career As a New Grad

Working as a school psychologist is a good opportunity for new graduates to establish their career right out of school. Launching a private practice and finding your own clients is no small task, especially for someone brand new to the workforce. But there is a growing need for school psychologists across the country, which means you can find clients in any state or school district. School psychologists also have a strong, built-in support system made of teachers, parents, and administrative staff, who all have the same goal of supporting children’s development. Rather than just working in a one-on-one capacity with patients, you can be at the head of a multi-pronged support network dedicated to preserving and improving the mental health of your patients. 

4. Grow Your Skills as a Psychologist While Changing Lives

As previously mentioned, travelling gives you the opportunity to relocate whenever and wherever you want. That means you get the unique opportunity to face new challenges every contract. Struggles faced by school districts change depending on the location, population, affluence, and so much more. Whether you work in a rural area with limited resources available or a metro district that’s seeing an increase in students requiring ESE programs, you will face new challenges that help you become a better psychologist and care provider. One challenge you won’t have to worry about as a travelling school psychologist is dealing with district politics! Working for a travel agency means you can focus solely on the children, not on any internal affairs.  

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