

Travel therapists: Learn to dive in your free time

Travel therapists: How to dive in your free time

Travel therapists: How to dive in your free time

So, you’ve settled into your new contract as a travel therapist. You’ve secured a place to stay, you’re getting into the rhythm of your new facility and you’re making great progress with your patients. Now it’s time to decide how you want to spend your free time. One of the best perks of being a travel therapist is getting opportunities to do things you couldn’t back at home. If you’ve taken a contract near the ocean or other large body of water, why not learn how to scuba dive? It’s fun, it’s a great form of exercise and it will make memories that will last a lifetime. Grab some of your new acquaintances and hit the water! It’s time to explore a whole new world.

Get certified where you are

The first step on your underwater adventure is to get certified. Doing so will allow you to dive almost anywhere in the world, plus you’ll have the training and knowledge to stay safe when you’re underwater.

If you already know how to swim laps in a pool, you shouldn’t have much trouble with this. It’s all about learning how to use the proper equipment. There are a few organizations that can teach you how to dive. One of the most trusted is the Professional Association of Diving Instructors, which has over 6,300 diving centers around the world. This organization has certified over 24 million people since it was founded in 1966.

Learning to dive from certified trainers is the best way to get into the hobby. They’ll teach you everything you need to know about using diving equipment and the techniques you’ll use once you’re underwater. There’s more to the activity than slipping into a wetsuit and donning a mask. Trainers will teach you all about fins, regulators, lights and even photography equipment.

Tropical diving in U.S. waters

If you’re in Florida or another area with access to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, you’re in for a real treat. Just beneath the waves live schools of colorful fish, playful dolphins and other exciting creatures. In the Florida Keys, you’ll have access to gorgeous reefs where turtles swim through lively coral scenery. Plus, there are a number of wrecks to explore beneath the water. Thrillist recommended checking out the DEMA Trader, a smuggling ship that was sunk by U.S. Customs. It has holes cut into the side, so you can safely enter the interior of the vessel.

Great Lakes sunken ship exploration

You don’t have to be near the ocean to go diving among shipwrecks. The Great Lakes are dotted with sunken boats that you can explore with the help of local professionals. Ship Wreck Explorers noted that there are 10 sunken ships off Wisconsin’s east coast, in Lake Michigan. There you can find schooners which date back to the mid-1800s. At just 30 meters under water, these are great dives for beginners. Plus, you won’t have to worry sharks!

Diving is a great way to spend your free time when you’re not caring for patients. Once you’re a certified diver, the waters are yours!

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